Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A visit to the barber

Puddle's Nonno is a barber. So having Nonno give Puddle her first hair cut seemed obvious.

Suspecting that I might react badly to Puddle's hair being cut, my husband warned me that Nonno would likely cut it shorter than I'd like.

But I agreed to it being cut anyways.

Because here's the thing. You can warn somebody as much as you'd like not to do something (or in this case, allow something) but they'll likely do it anyways. As a rule, warnings are never heeded. People are curious animals. And sort of sadistic. They need to experience things themselves in order to understand them.

So I gave the go ahead...

Puddle's dad assess the situation...

 Nonno gets to work...

A little off the top....

...a little off the back...

...almost done.

So here's something that's true. My husband knows me well. I was initially a little upset with how short Nonno cut it.

But I got over it. Quickly. The idea that Puddle can look back on these pictures and know that her Nonno lovingly gave her her first haircut is heartwarming.

Plus, I've always had a thing for pixie haircuts.

Here's Puddle enjoying Nonna's lasagna post-haircut.


Sophie said...

Traditions like these are so sweet, and something your daughter will look back on fondly! In my husband's family, tradition is that his father (Papa) gives each grandchild their first ice cream. My youngest is coming up on this and I can't wait to capture it for her.

nesting journal said...

i love the new haircut. hurray for pixies