Monday, December 26, 2011

Cozy Christmas tradition

I've always thought a wonderful Christmas tradition is that of giving sleepwear, particularly cozy, winter PJs.

I started this tradition the first year I began dating my now husband. To continue it with Puddle, I tried to buy her a cozy Christmas sleeper. I had wanted to buy one online from Hanna Anderson. At $26 for an organic sleeper, I thought they were reasonably priced. What was not reasonably priced was the shipping costs to Canada, and duty!

Aren't they cute?

In the interest of saving money, I continued my search at Old Navy. I wasn't thrilled with either the quality or patterns of their sleepers but I figured I could comprise on these things for the sake of a tradition. But I was saved from comprising when I discovered Old Navy had sold out all of their Christmas sleepers early!

After I had given up my hope for a Christmas sleeper, Puddle's Nonna saved the day. She must have been reading my mind (ack!), as she sent Puddle a pretty, red sleeper for Christmas. Thank you Nonna!

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